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篇名 除草劑在尼羅草草地建立之應用
卷期 28:2
並列篇名 Effect of Herbicide Application on the Establishment of Nilegrass Pasture
作者 張世融梁玉玲林正斌許福星
頁次 161-175
關鍵字 尼羅草播種量除草劑草地建立nilegrass Acroceras macrumseeding rateherbicidepasture establishmentTSCI
出刊日期 200712


尼羅草(Acroceras macrum)係以莖苗無性繁殖的多年生禾本科牧草,為快速達成”尼羅草台畜草一號”草地之建立,本研究的目的在探討除草劑及莖苗用量對尼羅草草地生長繁殖之影響,以建立尼羅草草地培植初期較適當之管理方式。培植尼羅草時,提高莖苗播種量為2,500 kg/ha可顯著地加快尼羅草草地之建立;而施用除草劑對尼羅草草地建立的影響,視除草劑種類及培植季節而效果各異,基本上施用萌前或萌後除草劑對雜草的抑制效果都顯著大於提高莖苗播種量,但對尼羅草草地之建立不一定有顯著效果,尤其是持續施用除草劑對尼羅草可能反而有不利影響。本試驗結果顯示秋季培植尼羅草時,萌前除草劑樂滅草、施得圃與萌後除草劑本達隆及氟氯比可顯著抑制雜草,提高尼羅草純度,配合播種量提高,可縮短草地建立的時間,但是在冬季須注意除草劑的藥害。至於在春季培植尼羅草,提高播種量亦有利於尼羅草草地之建立,除嘉磷塞之外,大部分參試除草劑均可顯著加快尼羅草草地建立,且持續施用除草劑對尼羅草草地建立之不利影響不明顯。


Nilegrass (Acroceras macrum) is a perennial forage grass propagated by stems. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of herbicides and seeding rates on early establishment of nilegrass pasture and to find the optimum methods for pasture establishment. Two seeding rates, 1,500 and 2,500 kg ha^(-1), combined with 10 herbicides were used. Nilegrass var. Taihsu No.1 was planted in autumn, 1999 and spring, 2000, respectively. Increased seeding rates accelerated significantly the pasture establishment in both planting seasons. Influences of herbicides on the establishment of nilegrass pasture depended on seeding rate, planting season and herbicides. The herbicides had no negative effects on the pasture establishment at lower seeding rate. In summer, herbicides inhibited weed growth and facilitated the pasture establishment in the field. The pre-emergence herbicides had higher efficiency on the nilegrass pasture establishment than did the post-emergence herbicides.
