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篇名 平原菟絲子種子發芽特性之探討
卷期 29:1
並列篇名 Seed Germination of Field Dodder (Cuscuta campestris)
作者 謝玉貞林芳妘蔣慕琰
頁次 001-010
關鍵字 菟絲子平原菟絲子寄生雜草種子發芽特性field dodderCuscuta campestrisparasitic weedseed germinationTSCI
出刊日期 200806


平原菟絲子一年生,為野外田間常見之莖寄生雜草,在多種植物上纏繞寄生,造成寄主植物生長衰弱;且危害許多景觀、園藝或具有經濟價值之植物;本試驗探討平原菟絲子種子的發芽特性,採自田間平原菟絲子種子,於培養箱及溫室中進行各項種子發芽試驗。結果顯示種子適宜溫度為20~36℃,其發芽率平均高於60%。隨著覆土深度增加,發芽率下降。pH值5.5~9.0之間發芽率57~70%;有無光照發芽率均可達50%以上,兩者並無顯著差異。適宜水分滲透壓為0~0.2 MPa狀態下發芽率可達70.8~56.8%。幼苗生長,在無寄主狀態下,幼芽可生育至10公分長。埋土種子第一月發芽率可達29.8%,至第12月份其發芽率累計至37.4%。


Field dodder, Cuscuta campestris Yunck. is the most important parasitic plant in Taiwan. This annual weed can cause host weakening, and is responsible for serious damage of wide range of ornamental and landscape plants. We used seeds collected from field for investigating characteristics of seed germination under incubator and greenhouse conditions. Germination ratio was higher than 60% for 20-36℃ and above 57% for pH value of 5.5-9.0. Similar germination was obtained with or without illumination, and depth of bury adversely affected seed emergence. High water content favored germination, under 0.0 to -0.2 MPa germination was between 70.8-56.8%. Under host-less condition, seedlings were able to grow up about 10 cm long. Seeds germinated mostly in the first month after planting, to 29.8%, and the overall germination in the 12 month period was 37.4%.
