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篇名 Penoxsulam: A Newly Developed Rice Herbicide Used in Taiwan and China
卷期 29:1
並列篇名 平速爛-新發展水田除草劑在臺灣及中國之應用
作者 黃一修李茂昇王春林陳良
頁次 75-83
關鍵字 平速爛移栽田直播田Penoxsulamtransplantwater-seededTSCI
出刊日期 200806




Herbicide Penoxsulam (Fencer, 2.7% OD) is sold in different formulations in Taiwan and China. Results from field trials in both locations in the period of 2000 to 2005 indicated that Penoxsulam, as a post-emergence chemical applied in transplanted or water-seeded rice, provided excellent control of barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli), broadleaf weeds and sedges. When applied in rate of 20 to 40 g ai ha^(-1) at 4- to 6-leaf stages of barnyardgrass in transplanted rice in Taiwan, it provided a good control on sheathed monochoria (Monochoria vaginalis), smallflower umbrellaplant (Cyprus difformis), and Japanese bulrush (Scirpus juncoides). Another formulation of Fencer (0.12% GR) had equal efficacy on smallflower umbrellaplant, Japanese bulrush, and sheathed monochoria when applied in rate of 20 to 40 g ai ha^(-1) in transplanted rice field. In comparison with other commercial herbicides, both formulations performed a better control on barnyardgrass. In China, Fencer (2.7% OD) was used for controlling barnyardgrass, Japanese bulrush, sheathed monochoria, oldworld arrowhead (Sagittaria trifolia), bur beggarticks (Bidens tripartita), and water plantain (Allisma plantago-aquatica), generally at rate of 15 to 37.5 g ai ha^(-1), in wet-seeded and transplanted rice paddy. Results suggest the potential of this herbicide in weed control for rice growers in Taiwan and China.
