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篇名 藿香薊不同密度對落花生生育及產量之影響
卷期 29:1
並列篇名 Effect of Different Plant Densities of Ageratum on the Growth and Yield of Peanut
作者 侯金日郭華仁
頁次 61-74
關鍵字 紫花藿香薊白花藿香薊落花生生長競爭產量Ageratum houstonianum MillAgeratum conyzoides LpeanutgrowthcompetitionyieldTSCI
出刊日期 200806




The major goal of this study was to investigate the effects of different plant densities of A. houstonianum Mill. and A. conyzoides L. on the growth and yield of peanut. Results were summarized as following: In both spring and fall experiments, data showed that the high plant density of Ageratum resulted in the reductions of shoot dry weight, root dry weight, leaf area and branch number of the peanut. In fall experiment, the yield of peanut was not decreased under 10 plants/m^2 of A. houstonianu; however, A. houstonianum at 40 plants/m^2 decreased the yield of peanut by 63%. In fall experiment, A. conyzoides at 10 and 40 plants/m^2 resulted in 23 and 82% yield decreament of peanut, respectively. In spring experiment, A. houstonianum at 10 plants/m^2 decreased peanut yield by 13%; however, A. houstonianum at 40 plants/m^2 decreased the yield by 57%. In fall experiment, A. conyzoides at 10 and 40 plants/m^2 decreased peanut yield by 16 and 41%, respectively.
