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篇名 Effects of Climate Factors on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Taking from Satellite Remote Sensing at the Mt. Huangzui Area of Taiwan
卷期 29:1
並列篇名 氣候因子對磺嘴山地區植被衛星遙測植生指數之影響
作者 黃文達陳建璋許明晃楊志維黃光瀛呂理昌陳朝圳楊智旭楊棋明
頁次 23-39
關鍵字 氣候因子植生指數衛星遙測磺嘴山Climate factorNormalized difference vegetation indexSatellite remote sensingMt. Huangzui areaTSCI
出刊日期 200806


本研究應用九個年度涵蓋四季分佈在八個月份之SPOT衛星遙測資料,監測陽明山國家公園磺嘴山植生指數(normalized difference vegetation index, NDVI)之季節性變化;並以灰關聯理論分析五種氣候因子(即累積降雨量、平均相對溼度、日照率、平均氣溫、與累積全天日射量)對類地毯草、五節芒、假柃木及闊葉林的衛星遙測植生指數之灰關聯性。灰關聯度與灰關聯序顯示,在磺嘴山這五種氣候因子對衛星遙測植生指數之貢獻度為:月均溫>日射量>日照率>溼度>降雨量。由此可知,光線及溫度對磺嘴山的衛星遙測植生指數之影響較水分重要。


Eight sets of SPOT satellite images, covering nine years from 1994 to 2002 and equivalent to eight months, were used to monitor seasonal changes in the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) over the Mt. Huangzui area in the Yangminshan National Park of northern Taiwan. The grey system theory was applied to analyze the degree of contribution of the five climate factors on NDVI of four major vegetation types Axonopus affinis, Miscanthus foridulus, Eurya crenatifolia and broad leaf vegetation. Results from grey relational analysis showed that the contribution of climate factors to satellite NDVI can be ranked in order of monthly mean temperature>daily cumulative irradiance>daily insolation percentage>monthly mean relative humidity>monthly cumulative precipitation. It suggests that light and temperature-related climate factors play more important roles in determining the satellite NDVI than water-related climate factors in the Mt. Huangzui area.
