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篇名 一九四○年在台北之雜草物候學調查
卷期 29:2
並列篇名 A 1940 Survey on the Weed Phenology in Taipei
作者 郭華仁吳怡君
頁次 153-166
關鍵字 物候學雜草台北phenologyweedsTaipeiTSCI
出刊日期 200812




This article is a translation of a Japanese paper "Studies on the management of weeds. I. Flowering and fruiting period of weeds that appeared in Taipei", which was published at Formosa Agricultural Review, 37(8): 613-629. The authors were Taketosi Katada and Tositugu Kobayakawa. Phenology of 145 weeds in the experimental farms of now the National Taiwan University was recorded and tabled. It appeared that the flowering periods prevailed at spring and autumn seasons. Less species flowered at summer or winter seasons. The fruiting periods prevailed during June to August, followed by September and October, scant during December to February.
