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篇名 甘藷田雜草草相及化學防治
卷期 29:2
並列篇名 Weed Flora and Chemical Control in Cultivation of Sweet Potato
作者 徐玲明林玉珠賴永昌王慶裕
頁次 131-140
關鍵字 能源作物甘藷雜草除草劑Sweet potato Ipomoea batatasweedschemical controlalachlormetazachlorTSCI
出刊日期 200812




Investigation of weed flora in sweet potato field at Chaiyi in 2007 found that 28 weed species, 15 families, occurred in summer, and both Compositae and Gramineae were two dominant families. During the period between two crop seasons, there were only 10 weed species appeared and the major one was Portulaca oleracea. Soil seed bank assay conducted in summer showed existence of 15 weed species, included P. oleracea, Cyperus iria, Eleusine indica, Echinochloa colona, and Digitaria adscendens. Comparing the efficacy of two preemergence herbicides, alachlor and metazachlor, weeds were controlled successfully, and the later one was more effective to control E. indica. Although some weeds rebuilt gradually three weeks later and herbicide effect diminished with time, routine work of field management within one month after transplanting was able to control weeds.
