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篇名 敷蓋資材對甘藷田雜草防治及甘藷生育之影響
卷期 30:1
並列篇名 Effect of different mulching materials on weed control and growth of sweet potato
作者 吳信儀侯金日
頁次 001-017
關鍵字 甘藷敷蓋雜草農藝性狀產量Sweet potato mulchweedagronomic charactersyieldTSCI
出刊日期 200906


本試驗以甘藷臺農57 號及臺農72 號為測試植材,藉由稻草、花生殼和稻殼敷蓋對甘藷田雜草防治及甘藷生育和產量之影響。結果顯示,春、秋作收穫前之田面雜草以禾本科 (Gramineae) 和莧科 (Amaranthaceae) 居多;經稻草、花生殼和稻殼敷蓋後之雜草密度皆顯著低於對照組;收穫前之雜草乾重和密度則以敷蓋稻草為最低,其次為花生殼和稻殼。三種敷蓋物處理對春作栽培之甘藷鮮莖葉收量(FLW)、莖葉長 (SL)、塊根個數 (TRN)、塊根長 (TRL)、塊根收量 (TRW) 及單位面積塊根產量 (TRY) 皆顯著高於對照組;秋作栽培在甘藷塊根收量及單位面積塊根產量表現上,與春作有相同趨勢。春、秋作甘藷農藝性狀及產量表現,由分析結果得知,春作鮮莖葉收量和莖葉長顯著高於秋作,塊根個數、塊根直徑(TRD)、塊根長、塊根收量和單位面積塊根產量,則以秋作顯著高於春作。綜合本研究結果,以敷蓋稻草之方式,對甘藷田雜草具有顯著防治效果,可推薦於甘藷田有機栽培之雜草管理。


Rice straw, peanut hulls and rice husk were used as mulch materials to study theeffects of mulching on weed prevention and on agronomic characters and the yield oftwo cultivars of sweet potatoes. Gramineae and Amaranthaceae are the dominant weedspecies before spring and autumn harvest of the sweet potatoes. In comparison tocontrol, mulching treatments significantly reduced weed density. Among the threemulch materials rice straw had the most significantly effect in reducing weed densityand weed biomass. Fresh leaf weight, stem length, tuberous root number, tuberous rootlength, tuberous root weight and tuberous root yield of the spring harvest crop wereincreased under mulching treatments. For the crop harvested in autumn, mulchingtreatments also increased tuberous root weight and tuberous root yield. Results alsoshowed that fresh leaves weight and stem length of the sweet potato were higher inspring crop than in autumn crop. In contrast, tuberous root number, tuberous rootdiameter, tuberous root length, tuberous root weight and tuberous root yield were foundhigher in autumn harvest crop than in spring harvest crop. Results of this research showthat mulching with rice straw had the best effect on weed prevention and suppression.The method is recommended for organic plantation of sweet potato.
