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篇名 混植盤固草對培植尼羅草草地之影響
卷期 30:1
並列篇名 Effect of planting mixed with pangolagrass on establishment of nilegrass pasture
作者 張世融梁玉玲林正斌許福星
頁次 051-061
關鍵字 尼羅草盤固草混植牧草地建立Nilegrass pangolagrass mixed plantingpasture establishmentTSCI
出刊日期 200906


尼羅草(Acroceras macrum)台畜草1 號,為新育成之高產量、粗蛋白質含量高、嗜口性佳的牧草品種。為提高國產牧草之產量、品質及利用率,有必要詳加評估尼羅草台畜草1 號適當之培植利用方式,以推廣農民栽培利用。為瞭解不同季節,尼羅草與盤固草(Digitaria decumbens)混植對培植牧草及建立牧草地時雜草防治的可行性,本研究以尼羅草台畜草1 號及盤固草A254 為材料,於春、夏及秋季依照不同比例之莖苗量混植進行牧草地培植,探討尼羅草與盤固草混植對牧草地建立之影響。試驗結果顯示:以不同混合比例混植尼羅草與盤固草時,對於牧草地建立初期的雜草競爭力均較單獨培植尼羅草或盤固草高,但混植之效果因不同培植季節而異。春及夏季培植尼羅草時,對雜草的競爭力低於盤固草,牧草地建立初期的雜草比例偏高。但秋季培植尼羅草則牧草地建立較盤固草快。夏季培植牧草地時,隨著盤固草混植的比例提高,雜草比例可顯著被降低;但春秋兩季則無明顯效果。


Objective of this study was to investigate the effect of planting mixed withpangolagrass (Digitaria decumbens) at different ratios on establishment ofnilegrass(Acroceras macrum) pasture. Nilegrass CV Taishu No.1 was mixed-plantedwith pangolagrass line A254 at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%, respectively. Themixed planting of nilegrass and pangolagrass had higher competition ability to weedcontrol during the early pasture establishment as compared to the pure stands ofnilegrass and pangolagrass. Nilegrass had lower competition to weed control thanpangolagrass did. It showed lower percents of forage in the pure stands of nilegrassduring the early pasture establishment. The percents of forage in the pasture increasedsignificantly with the ratio of pangolagrass increased in the mixed planting. The resultsshowed that the mixed-planting between nilegrass and pangolagrass could accelerate theestablishment of nilegrass pasture as compared to monoculture of nilegrass.
