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篇名 農藥使用暴露風險及安全防護措施
卷期 31:1
並列篇名 Risk assessment of pesticide exposure and pesticide protective equipment
作者 李仁厚李宏萍
頁次 033-047
關鍵字 農藥暴露量風險評估農民噴藥方式Pesticideexposurerisk assessmentfarmersprayerTSCI
出刊日期 201006


本計畫目的以綜合論述方式將田間農民施用之暴露量評估方法、安全及防護與國際調和,並將1994 年至2003 年台灣農民實際噴藥暴露量資料,整理農民噴藥器械及噴藥量之基本資料包括歷年326 名農民噴藥進行16 種作物,5 種不同噴藥方式之試驗人次。急性暴露量評估(Percentages of the toxic dose per hour, PTDPH)值小於 1% 時表安全,慢性暴露量評估(Margin of Safety, MOS)值小於 1 時表不安全,建議農民基本之防護措施以保障噴藥農民之健康。


The goal of the project was to examine current issues in the field of pesticideexposure assessment with the aim of reaching an international harmonized approach tomethods of exposure assessment and pesticide safe use and protection from pesticideapplication. Collected 1994-2003 local 326 generic pesticide exposure data of 9 yearswith 5 different sprayer equipment and 16 different crop pesticide application in Taiwan.On the basis of this assumption, modeling of worker exposure has been suggested as abasis for the estimation of surrogate or generic data that may be used in a first step forrisk assessment. These results showed that Percentages of the toxic dose per hour(PTDPHs) of pesticides of less than 1% should be safe. PTDPHs including both dermaland inhalation exposure were used to evaluate the acute risk assessment of the 5 kindsof application equipment. Margin of Safety (MOS) values were evaluated for chronicrisk assessment with 6 h of applied. MOS values lower than 1 should be a source ofconcern.
