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篇名 溫度、水分及鹽分逆境對濱刀草(Poa supina Schrad.)種子發芽之影響
卷期 31:1
並列篇名 Effects of temperature, water, and salinity stress on seed germination of Poa supina Schrad
作者 鄞昆田侯金日
頁次 013-024
關鍵字 濱刀草水分潛勢鹽分逆境溫度發芽率Poa supina Schradosmotic potentialsalt stresstemperaturesgermination PercentageTSCI
出刊日期 201006


本研究主要探討不同溫度、水分及鹽分逆境下,對濱刀草(Poa supina Schrad.)種子發芽之影響。其試驗結果如下:恆溫環境下之最適發芽溫度為25℃,於5℃環境下則無法發芽;可發芽之變溫範圍為10/5℃至35/30℃之間,最適發芽溫度為25/20℃(日溫/夜溫)之變溫環境,當變溫達10/5℃時之發芽率僅4.7%,且變溫之發芽率較恆溫佳。可發芽之水分潛勢為0 MPa 至-0.4 MPa 之間,最適水分潛勢為0MPa。可發芽之鹽分濃度範圍為0%至1.0%之間,超過1.2%則無法發芽,於最適溫度25/20℃下,處理1.0%鹽分濃度仍有21.3%之發芽率。故濱刀草種子在最適溫度下,對於水分及鹽分則有一定程度之忍受性。


This study focused on temperature, moisture and salt stress on seed germinationunder the influence of Poa supina Schrad. The results are as follows: The optimalgermination under constant temperature at 25℃.than 5℃ can not germinate. The seedsat alternate germination temperature range is 10/5℃ to between 35/30℃. The bestgerminate temperatures was 25/20℃(day/night) of alternate temperatures. When thetemperature reached 10/5℃ when the germination rate was only 4.7%. However,alternate temperatures the germination rate than constant temperature. Optimum atosmotic potential (MPa) range was 0 MPa to between -0.4 MPa. The best osmoticpotential was 0 MPa. Optimum at salt stress range was 0% to between 1.0%. than 1.2%can not germinate. When the alternate temperatures were 25/20℃ and salt stress was1.0%.the seeds germination rate only was 21.3%. The optimum temperature on the Poasupina Schrad. For the water and salt tolerance to a certain extent.
