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篇名 17 種茄科草本植物葉表毛茸形態特徵之研究
卷期 31:2
並列篇名 Study on the morphology of leaf trichomes of seventeen Solanaceae species
作者 郭明池梁文進蔣慕琰袁秋英
頁次 049-056
關鍵字 茄科植物毛茸形態比較Solanaceaeglandular trichromeMorphological comparisonTSCI
出刊日期 201012


茄科番茄屬(Lycopersicon)多種植物葉表被有腺體毛茸(glandular trichrome),常因穿刺性或咀嚼性昆蟲取食時分泌出具抗蟲之二次代謝物,以減輕昆蟲造成的傷害。其中野生之多毛番茄(L. hirsutum f. glabratum)已被證實葉表有VI 型腺體毛茸,可分泌出甲基酮類化合物,對二點葉蟎(Tetranychus urticae Koch)有致毒及忌避之特性。本研究利用掃描式電子顯微鏡,觀察17 種茄科草本植物葉表毛茸的形態,包括番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Miller)、多毛番茄(L. hirsutum f. glabratum)、櫻桃小番茄(L. esculentum Mill. var. cerasiforme(Dunal)A. Gray )、燈籠草(Physalisangulata L.)、毛酸漿(Physalis putescens L.)、光果龍葵(Solanum nigrum L.)、瑪瑙珠(S. diphyllum L.)、五指茄(S. Mammosum L.)、剌茄(S. capsicoides Allioni)、擬剌茄(S.sisymbriifolium Lam.)、白英(S. lyratum Thunb)、珊瑚櫻(S. pseudocapsicum L.)、印度茄(S. violaceum Ortega)、黃水茄(S. incanum L.)、山菸草(S. erianthum D. Don.)、萬桃花(S. torvum Swartz)及皺葉菸草(Nicotiana longiflora Cay)等,17 種茄科草本植物葉表毛茸的形態主要可區分為4 種類別:(1)短棒狀毛茸:僅於葉表形成小突起,數量較少,如毛酸漿、光果龍葵及瑪瑙珠,(2)星狀毛茸:常於基部分岐,遍佈葉表,如珊瑚櫻、印度茄、黃水茄、山菸草及萬桃花,(3)四裂圓球狀的腺體毛茸:番茄、櫻桃小番茄及燈籠草,以及(4)圓球狀的腺體毛茸:五指茄、剌茄、擬剌茄、白英、皺葉菸草及多毛番茄。前3 種類型毛茸無腺體或僅有極少量分泌物,與多毛番茄相似具有圓球狀腺體毛茸的五指茄、剌茄、擬剌茄、白英及皺葉菸草,是否皆具抗二點葉蟎之潛力並開發為天然殺蟎劑?其分泌物之種類、含量及調控生合成的基因將成為後續探討之議題。


The glandular trichomes of various Lycopersicon species have been shown to containseveral types of secondary compounds, and when the leaf is touched or chewed byherbivores, the contents of the glands are released onto the leaf surface. Considerable efforthas been made to link the presence and density of glandular trichomes to levels ofhost-plant pest resistance both within and among Lycopersicon species. Lycopersicumhirsutum f. glabratum, a wild relative of tomato, is highly resistant to the Spider mites(Tetranychus urticae Koch), an important insect pest of the commercial tomato L.esculentum Mill. Review on the wild tomato, L. hirsutum f. glabratum, has demonstratedthat the exudates of type VI glandular trichomes produce contribute to the Spider mitesresistance by a variety of mechanisms including toxicity and repellency. This study was tocompare the morphology of trichomes in the mature leaves of seventeen Solanaceae species.Trichomes come in 4 shapes in results: trichomes of three species are papillose, coveredwith short, soft trichomes such as Physalis putescens L., Solanum nigrum L. and S.diphyllum L. Other trichomes of five species are stellate, have a circular crown of brancheswhich are star-shaped such as S. incanum L., S. pseudocapsicum L., S. sisymbriifoliumLam., S. torvum Swartz and S. violaceum Ortega. Still other trichomes of three species arenon-glandular, with little or without secretory function such as Lycopersicon esculentumMiller, L. esculentum Mill. var. cerasiforme(Dunal)A. Gray and Physalis angulata L. OnlyS. mammosum L., S. capsicoides Allioni, S. sisymbriifolium Lam., S. lyratum Thunb andNicotiana longiflora Cay. with type VI glandular trichomes, similar to L. hirsutum f.glabratum, may become a valuable source of natural pesticides, which could minimizereliance on synthetic miticide.
