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篇名 二種酢漿草屬(Oxalis)雜草的發芽特性及化學防治
卷期 31:2
並列篇名 Seed germination and chemical control of two Oxalis weeds in Taiwam
作者 徐玲明蔣慕琰
頁次 057-067
關鍵字 酢漿草紫花酢漿草發芽率萌前除草劑萌後除草劑雜草防治Oxalis corniculataOxalis corymbosaGerminationPre-emergence herbicidePost-emergence herbicideWeed controlTSCI
出刊日期 201012


酢漿草、紫花酢漿草經常發生在草坪,盆栽植物等盆景,蘭花、苗木的苗圃,及溫室中,是干擾性強的重要雜草。酢漿草種子發芽的適宜溫度為12~24℃之間,於16℃時最高發芽率為90.8%。有光照時發芽率可達73.6%;種子在土表面有高達99.5%之萌芽率,覆土0.5 公分時萌芽率下降至23%,覆土4~5 公分時幾乎不萌芽。種子的發芽率隨著水分的減少而下降,水分潛勢-0.1 ~ -0.8 MPa 之間明顯下降,-0.8~ -1.0MPa 時不發芽。pH4.5~5 發芽率維持在45%以上,pH7 時降至5.3%。化學藥劑防治滅草胺、滅必淨、樂滅草和斯得圃對酢漿草萌前的防治,以田間常用的登記使用劑量(X)或0.75X 的劑量對酢漿草都有100%的防治效果,樂滅草淨對紫花酢漿草防治效果最佳,0.75X 的劑量亦有97.4%的防治率。萌後除草劑伏速隆和滅必淨對二種酢漿草的防治效果最佳,二種劑量對酢漿草可達96.9-100%,對紫花酢漿草亦達80%以上。其次是氟氯比和三氯比,二種劑量對二種酢漿草的防治效果可達80.1-90.3%。


Creeping woodsorrel (Oxalis corniculata L.) and pink woodsorrel (Oxaliscorymbosa DC.) are common perennial broadleaf weed. There were widely distributedin lawns, potted plant nurseries, flower beds, gardens, and greenhouses. In this study,the effects of temperature, pH, osmotic potential and planting depth were determined forcreeping woodsorrel under controlled environments. The optimum temperatures forseed germination ranged from 12 to 24 ℃ of creeping woodsorrel. Maximumgermination 90.8% was obtained in 16 days under 16℃ Under the water potential-0.1~-0.8 MPa, seed germination decreased significantly. Around 45% seedsgerminated under imbibition condition of pH 4.5-5, and 5.3% of germination occurredin the condition of pH7. Seedling emergence was maximum from soil surface oncreeping woodsorrel, no emerged seedling was observed buried depth 4-5 cm. We testednormal field used rate (x) and reduced rate (0.75x) of 13 herbicides on creepingwoodsorrel and pink woodsorrel. Pre-emergence test showed that metazachlor,metribuzin, oxadiazon, and pendimethalin provided 100% control on creepingwoodsorrel and good for control by oxadiazon on pink woodsorrel. On 15-20 leavescreeping woodsorrel, post-emergence application of flazasulfuron, metribuzin, resultedin 96.9-100% reduction of fresh weight at 35 days after foliar application, on 30-40leaves pink woodsorrel, provided more then 80% control. Fluroxypyr and triclopyr alsoprovided 80.1-90.3% control at two Oxalis weeds.
