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篇名 休閒農牧及運動草地之雜草抗藥性
卷期 31:2
並列篇名 Herbicide-resistant weeds in leisure farmland and sports ground
作者 袁秋英
頁次 079-108
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 201012




Herbicides are the principal tool for crop weed control yet their sustainability isaffected by the evolution of herbicide resistant weed populations in many parts of theworld. Not only reduced the incidence of control in resistant weeds, increased pesticidecosts, also undermined the balance of agricultural ecosystem. Therefore, to study theresistance of weeds, can not only understand the resistant mechanism of herbicides, andthen use the resistant gene to develop GM crops; application of molecular markers canalso be testing and monitoring the distribution of herbicide-resistant weeds and can beadjusted properly to field management, to avoid the occurrence and spread of suchweeds. This review article discusses the occurrence of resistant weeds, the global statusof herbicide-resistant weeds, mechanisms of resistance, herbicides using in non-farmland and turfgrass lands, and resistant-weeds management strategy.

