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篇名 草本植物作為殺螺劑之潛力
卷期 32:1
並列篇名 Potential of herb plants used as a golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata ) killer
作者 袁秋英謝玉貞林芳妘林李昌蔣慕琰
頁次 077-086
關鍵字 福壽螺植物性殺螺劑草本植物生物檢定Apple snailplant molluscicidesherbsbioassayTSCI
出刊日期 201106


福壽螺為臺灣水生作物的重要害物,常嚴重影響水稻幼苗之生長及造成產量降低。植物性殺螺劑因具有易代謝分解及生態環境安全性高之特性,目前成為福壽螺生物防治之一重要資材。本研究針對禾本科、菊科、蓼科及莧科等101 科633種植物,進行福壽螺取食習性測試,結果顯示福壽螺喜食的植物有128 種、忌食的植物有174 種,中間型植物有174 種,其中喜食性植物再進一步篩選出具誘引效果者,忌食性植物則以篩選具低萃取濃度而高致死率的殺螺潛力植物。初步篩選出具誘引及忌食效果者包括莧科、繖形花科、蓼科、菊科及茄科科等20 種植物,其中以0.025 mg mL-1 即可造成福壽螺致死之莧科植物,後續將進一步分離純化及鑑定其代謝物,此植物具有研發為植物性殺螺劑之潛力。


Golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata ) is a serious pest of aquatic crops inTaiwan. This snail infests rice paddy fields, affects seedling growth of rice, anddecreases rice yield. Molluscicides derived from plants are currently receivingconsiderable attentions in their relatively harmless and biodegradable properties. In thisstudy, we have screened 633 herbs based on feeding preference of apple snail.Preliminary tests showed that herbs belong to preferred, intermediate and disgustfeeding food for apple snail were 128, 174 and 174 species, respectively. Twentycandidates among Amaranthaceae, Umbelliferae, Polygonaceae, Compositae andSolanaceae spp. plants were selected for secondary screening. Lethal effect on applesnail with 0.025 mg mL-1 aqueous extracts of some Amaranthaceae species wereobserved in the feeding assay. It could be suggested that aqueous extracts of these plantshad the potential for developing a phyto-mollusicicide.
