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篇名 除草劑毒性及環境安全性
卷期 32:1
並列篇名 Herbicides: toxicity and environmental safety
作者 蔣永正
頁次 117-131
關鍵字 除草劑毒性移轉降解重入Herbicidetoxicitytransportdegradationre-entryTSCI
出刊日期 201106




Many modern herbicides kill weeds selectively by interrupting metabolic processesthat are unique to plant life. For this reason, their systemic toxicities in mammals arevery low, which is due to the biochemical pathways influenced by these chemicals donot exist in mammals, such as photosynthesis, amino acid or chlorophyll biosynthesis.However, some herbicides have a poison risk if handled carelessly, and many areirritating to eyes, skin, and mucous membranes. Paraquat, for example, is highly toxicorally and can be fatal. Herbicides have the mode of entry into the human body same asother pesticides, through the skin (dermal), by swallowing (oral) and by breathing(inhalation). Therefore, it is important that all herbicides need to be handled carefullyand in a manner consistent with their labeling. Herbicides that fall directly upon the soilor are washed onto the soil can undergo a number of processes including degradation andtransport. Degradation processes include biological degradation by edaphicmicro-organisms, chemical and photochemical transformations. Transport of herbicideswithin the soil can occur downward into the soil profile (leaching), across the soil surface(runoff), or upward into the air (volatilization). Most herbicides are organic compoundsand are therefore basically unstable in the environment. Inherent instability is essential toprevent these materials from accumulating in the environment as compounds arerepeatedly used. Accumulation of pesticides not only poses environmental hazards, butprohibits rotation to sensitive crops. Therefore to have a complete overview of the fateand environmental toxicity, biological and chemical approaches have to be combined.
