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篇名 廢輪胎回收橡膠屑應用於草坪土壤改良之物理化學性質分析
卷期 32:1
並列篇名 The physical and chemical property of the crumb rubber as turf soil amendment
作者 劉建甫廖朝廷王裕文
頁次 087-102
關鍵字 草坪土壤改良劑耐踐踏性廢輪胎橡膠屑物理化學性Turfsoil amendmenttraffic tolerancecrumb rubberphysical and chemical propertiesTSCI
出刊日期 201106


本研究主要希望能利用廢輪胎回收橡膠屑在土壤介質的添加以提高草坪的耐踐踏力,此技術研發可消耗大量的廢輪胎回收橡膠屑,以解決目前廢輪胎數量過多所造成的環保問題。然欲將廢輪胎回收橡膠屑應用於草坪,必須先瞭解該物質的基本物理化學特性,以預期將其應用於草坪後的成果並確保不會造成二次污染。本研究透過對廢輪胎回收橡膠屑的金屬離子成分分析,發現僅鋅離子濃度(14,800-16,000 ppm) 超過環保署制定之土壤污染監測基準,後續之長時間模擬滲漏淋洗試驗,亦確認於自然環境下,橡膠屑中的金屬離子溶出量極低,可作為一安全的土壤添加物。廢輪胎回收橡膠屑對酸鹼溶液中和實驗亦證實橡膠屑的添加對酸鹼溶液具有緩衝的功能,可校正其酸鹼值為中性 (pH 7.0-7.5)。另針對橡膠屑保水力的研究顯示,添加細廢輪胎回收橡膠屑於土壤介質中,可顯著地增進土壤介質的含水量,隨著橡膠屑含量的增加,土壤含水量提昇的效果愈顯著。而測量各受試樣品的C.I.V. (clegg impaction value)後亦發現,土壤介質中添加廢輪胎回收橡膠屑進行改良可有效增加此土壤彈性,而土壤改良深度較深的處理 (10 cm) 增進土壤彈性的效果較佳。


The resilience and traffic tolerance of turf will be enhanced by amending thecrumb rubber. The application of crumb rubber as soil amendment will relief thepressure of the increasing amount of waste tires from the industry. The manufacture ofthe tire has many additives which might cause the recontamination to the environmentespecially to the root zone and ground water as turf soil amendment. Thus the chemicaland physical properties of the crumb rubber from the waste tires were studies to provideinformation concerning environmental hazard problem. The element analysis of thecrumb rubber indicated the zinc concentration in the leachate reached 14,800-16,000ppm during 4 months experiment period, which is over the EPA standard for the soilcontamination. The rest of the elements evaluated were well low beyond EPA standardthus considered as a safe amendment. The interesting finding is the extraordinary pHbuffering capacity of the crumb rubber in this study, other than the extreme pHconditions (pH=1 and pH=12, 13) the adding of crumb rubber can neutralize thesolution back to pH 7. The water retention capacity of the crumb rubber was evaluatedto support its application in the sand based turf root zone and the results showedsignificant improvement and positive correlation to the amount of the application. Theresults soil impact test of indicated the amending application will significantly improvethe resilience than without amending. Also the depth of application reached 10 cm wasbetter than 5 cm.
