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篇名 陰離子型聚丙烯醯胺對四種草坪草種子發芽之影響
卷期 32:2
並列篇名 Effect of Anionic Polyacrylamide on Seed Germination of Four Turfgrasses
作者 李盈瑩侯金日
頁次 035-049
關鍵字 百喜草百慕達草類地毯草綠柏草聚丙烯醯胺發芽bahiagrassbermudagrasscarpetgrassrebelpolyacrylamidesoil amendmentgerminationTSCI
出刊日期 201112


陰離子型聚丙烯醯胺(polyacrylamide, PAM)可促進土壤團粒化,維持土壤適當含水率,降低土壤侵蝕,農業上常利用為土壤改良劑,但對種子發芽的影響尚待確立。本研究主要探討PAM 電荷度及濃度對百喜草、百慕達草、類地毯草及綠柏草種子發芽之影響。試驗選用10、30 和50% CD 三種電荷度及不同濃度之PAM溶液進行發芽試驗。結果顯示百喜草和類地毯草的發芽主要受到PAM 濃度之影響,當PAM 濃度由10 ppm 提高至500 ppm,其種子發芽率、發芽勢和發芽係數皆呈顯著的降低。百慕達草的發芽隨PAM 電荷度變化而改變,發芽率以10% CD處理之75.6%顯著高於30%、50% CD 之70.3 和68.4%。而綠柏草種子發芽則同時受PAM 電荷度及濃度的影響。綜合本研究結果得知,對供試之四種草坪草而言,PAM 電荷度及濃度越高對種子發芽負面影響越大,當PAM 電荷度低於30%、濃度低於100ppm 對種子之發芽影響性較小。


Anionic polyacrylamide is a soil amendment in agriculture for improving soilaggregation, maintaining appropriate soil water content and reducing erosion. However,the effect of polyacrylamide on plants germination remains not clear. The objective ofthis research was to investigate the effect of PAM charge density and concentration ongermination of bahiagrass, bermudagrass, carpetgrass, and rebel, respectively. Theresults of germination tests with three kinds of charge densities and differentconcentrations, showed different effects on four turfgrasses. Seed germination ofbahiagrass and carpetgrass were mainly influenced by PAM concentration, whereasbermudagrass germination was affected by PAM charge density, and rebel was affectedby PAM charge density and concentration. The difference is related to the turfgrassseeds size and characteristics. Furthermore, the negative effect increased while PAMcharge density and concentration is rising. It had fewer effects when PAM chargedensity was lower than 30% and PAM concentration was less than 100 ppm.
