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篇名 台灣市售抗固殺草基改大豆之篩選及其基因特性分析
卷期 32:2
並列篇名 Genomic Characterization of Imported Soybean Resistant to Glufosinate in Taiwan
作者 袁秋英林李昌蔣慕琰
頁次 001-009
關鍵字 基因改造生物體大豆固殺草抗藥性pat 基因Genetically modified organism soybeanglufosinate resistancepat geneTSCI
出刊日期 201112


台灣每年進口大豆約有250 萬噸,一般市售的大豆種子尚具有生物活性,本研究於中部零售店收集大豆種子,測定其種子發芽率及幼株對固殺草(glufosinate)除草劑之反應,並由抗性植株葉片中萃取核酸,探討抗固殺草轉基因之構築與特性。將大豆種子於溫室內播種,株齡為3-5 葉之幼苗噴施固殺草0.675 kg ai ha-1,施藥後3-4 日,多數大豆植株呈現傷害徵狀,並於1 週內枯死,12 組測定樣品中均有抗藥性之植株,其所佔比率介於0-13%之間,初步推測為抗固殺草之轉基因大豆。進一步抽取大豆幼葉基因組DNA,以CaMV 35S 啟動子(promoter)及35S 終結子(terminator) 核酸序列設計引子,進行PCR 反應,結果具抗藥之疑似轉基因大豆可增幅約1.0 kb DNA 片段,非抗性大豆則未增幅出此DNA 片段。PCR 產物經接合、轉型反應及定序,比對核酸及胺基酸序列,結果此PCR 產物由35S 啟動子(265 bp)、pat 基因 (501 bp) 及35S 終結子(110 bp) 等片段組成,顯示此抗固殺草大豆轉基因組成與LibertyLink (A2704-12) 大豆品系者相同,其中抗固殺草的pat基因序列與基改玉米T25 及Bt11 品系者完全相同。


Two point five million tons of soybean seeds are imported annually into Taiwan.Most seeds sampled from local shops were found to be viable. Soybean seedlings wereestablished in greenhouse and applied 0.675 kg ai ha-1 of glufosinate to the leaves ofthese plants. Sensitive seedlings showed symptoms of injury in 3-4 days and died withinone week. Glufosinate-resistant seedlings accounted for 6-13% of total samples. Theplants survived from glufosinate treatment were subjected to PCR detection andgenomic characterization. PCR assay of genomic DNA extracted from soybean leaves,using the CaMV 35S promoter and 35S terminator as primers, produced a 1.0 kbfragments. DNA sequencing using PCR products showed that the fragments included35S promoter (265 bp), pat (501 bp) and 35S terminator (110 bp) were same as of thetransgenes of LibertyLink soybeans (A2704-12) from Bayer CropScience.
