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篇名 現階段兩岸和平整合的評估與建構-以「三角和平論」觀點分析
卷期 1
並列篇名 Examining and Formulating the Current Peaceful Integration across the Taiwan Strait-Analysed by Triangulating Peace Theory
作者 邱垂正
頁次 113-146
關鍵字 兩岸和平兩岸關係和平學三角和平論Cross-Strait RelationPeace Model of Cross-Strait RelationPeace ResearchTriangulating Peace across Taiwan Strait
出刊日期 201103




The only way to achieve perpetual peace between Taiwan and China , which is how to be lead toward the peaceful integration patterns. In Taiwan academic community, many have already offered prescriptive integration patterns; however,most of them build up theories or framework without following empirical materials.This dissertation is base on empirical materials for analysis framework, and hope to “institutional integration”, “shared democratic value” and the relationships connecting
one of them with the other two can establish the theory of “Triangulating Peace across Taiwan Strait”, and contributed to the common theory of Peace model of Cross-Strait.develop a general theory of peaceful integration patterns in order to explain and predict the cross-strait relation the given and future in term of peaceful development.Formulating hypotheses from relationships among “economic interdependence”,
