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篇名 金廈經濟合作-以互賴理論的觀點分析
卷期 1
並列篇名 The economic Cooperation of Kinmen & Xiamen : An Analysis to Depend on the Theory of Interdependence
作者 蔡承旺
頁次 101-111
關鍵字 金門小三通經濟發展互賴理論邊陲KimmenMini Three LinksEconomic DevelopmentInterdependence TheoryPeriphery
出刊日期 201103




The theory of interdependence believes that the country is the essential behavior body of international politics. It emphasizes that the essential behavior body substitute the economic cooperation for traditional military force to interaction relation which originates as the authority.
The article suggests that Kinmen should be fixed his role as an innovative base for cooperation of Taiwan and Mainland China. It should dare to find the newest way to plan its economic strategy. However, the government can help Kinmen to be more creative and competitive in the future.
