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篇名 高階產品創新保密期與品質水準決策之分析
卷期 1
並列篇名 An Analysis for Higher Level Product Innovation Secret Protection Horizon and Quality Level Decision
作者 吳桂森李能慧李佳亭
頁次 085-100
關鍵字 高階產品創新保密期品質水準Higher Lever Product InnovationSecret Protection HorizonQuality Level
出刊日期 201103


高階產品廠商常以品質創新優勢為其主要競爭策略,而「營業秘密」為創新保密的重要方式。敏感度分析能對個別參數之獨自變動,提供最佳決策之容忍範圍,作為值得採取維持其決策結構之準則。產品創新的知識係重要的營業秘密,但是,傳統上對其研究大多關注在法律面向的議題,鮮少於管理決策方面。創新秘密所產銷之產品,亦會吸引競爭廠商採取還原工程(reverse engineering)、獨自發掘(independent discovery)等方式,進入市場分享利潤。先前研究常給定產品之邊際成本為常數,然而,高階品質產品,其邊際成本往往隨著品質水準而呈現二次函數。本文主要關注:(a) 決策模式中同時加入產銷量與產品品質水準兩個決策變數;(b) 變動成本修正成為具有「基本品質之常數成本」加上「以變動成本作為品質水準的二次函數」之高階產品;(c) 建構高階產品創新保密期與品質水準之最佳決策分析模型,擴增決策模式的適用與實用;(d) 補述了layton M. Christensen & Michael E. Raynor 在其「創新者的解答」


Product qualities innovation is an important competitive advantages strategy for the firms of produce higher level products, and trade secret is an important protection type for this innovation. Sensitivity analysis is proposed as an effective and easy-to-use decision method to consider the effects of independent changes in selected parameters. This approach provides a tolerance within which selected parameters may vary from their estimated worth while still retain the same decision structure.Knowledge of innovation product is an important type of trade secret, but traditional studies about its protection focused on legal issue, and rarely on management decision.Trade secret produces a new product for sale, and the competitors may develop it by reverse engineering or independent discovery, and then enter this market to earn profits.
There are always gives constant to marginal cost by studies before, but this higher level quality product’s marginal cost function is a quadratic function of quality level. This study’s focuses are: (a) two decision variables with sales quantity and product quality in decision models (b) formulates an optimal protection horizon and quality level decision models for higher level product innovation secret by combines basic parts and higher lever parts; (c) to construct higher level quality product
innovation secret horizon and quality level decision analysis models, let these models more generalize for the practical uses; (d) to replenish the limitation of the quality level of “The Innovator’s Solution” by Clayton M. Christensen & Michael E.Raynor.
