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篇名 國立金門技術學院新生對學校滿意度研究
卷期 1
並列篇名 A Study of the Freshmen’s Satisfaction of School at National Kinmen Institute of Technology
作者 林勳呂曉媛林本源
頁次 069-084
關鍵字 學校滿意度離島技職院校學校教育環境student satisfactionUniversity Institute of Technology on Islandscampus environment
出刊日期 201103


本研究主要目的在探討國立金門技術學院新生對學校滿意度之現況,新生學校之滿意度差異是否會影響轉學,雖為國立技職院校但台灣大專校院眾多,如滿意度低落台籍學生無留下就讀完四年之可能性,在偏屬離島地區的學校在經營上需多加重視的地方。本文問卷採用張家宜(2000)翻譯之由美國Noel-Levitz 所發展的SSI(Student Satisfaction Inventory)問卷,題目為60 題,並縮減為五大構面。研究結果發現新生對教師輔導滿意度最高,在對學校環境與設施、校園資訊服務上最低呈現不滿意。在環境與設施上新生對於宿舍滿意度低,也是為警訊之一。五大構面校園認同感、行政人員、教師輔導、環境與設施、校園資訊服務,選擇不轉學之學生滿意度均高於想要轉學之學生,顯見所處的環境無法合乎預期時,便有轉學之念頭。本研究最後針對結果,提出提昇學生對學校的務實建議及未來之研究建議方向。


The purpose for this study is to discuss about the freshmen’s satisfaction of school at National Kinmen Institute of Technology. The result may influence students to stay in Kinmen or not. Although National Kinmen Institute of Technology is a national school, it cannot keep students from Taiwan to come or stay here for fours year. This is due to that Kinmen is a little bit far from Taiwan,also, there are hundreds of schools in Taiwan for them for choose. If the school cannot meet their expectation, they may choose other places to study. This is the
point for schools in Kinmen and Penghu should be noticed about. The questionnaire for this study is SSI(Student Satisfaction Inventory), developed by Noel-Levitz,from the United States of America, translated by Chang, F. C. I.(2000). There are sixty questions in this questionnaire; it was divided into five main facets. The study shows that the teachers’ counseling got the highest score of all the parts. In the other hand, the school’s environment and equipment got the lowest score. Freshmen at
National Kinmen Institute of Technology do not satisfy with the environment and equipment of their dormitories, the school should be aware of this point. The five facets have the identification with school, administrative staff, the counseling of teachers, the environment and equipment of school and the information service on the campus. The students who choose to stay at the school get higher satisfaction than the students who would like to transfer to other schools. It is obvious that the environment may influence students’ decision to transfer to other schools if the original school could not meet their expectation. This study will focus on the final result and offer advice to school. It may give school a direction for other studies in the future.
