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篇名 考慮地盤輸入變易性之水池易損曲線
卷期 1
並列篇名 Fragility Curves of Liquid Storage Tanks with Site Input Variance
作者 陳冠雄許宗傑
頁次 053-068
關鍵字 方形水池抗震非線性歷時反應分析易損曲線推垮分析Chen-Kianoush distributed mass modelrectangular reinforced concrete liquid storage tank, fragility curveearthquakesite condition
出刊日期 201103


本論文之研究,其主要建立鋼筋混凝土方形水池,承受地震力之易損曲線,利用台灣發生的921 與331 之地震加速度歷時資料做為輸入地震,並將考慮近斷層與遠域地震,且納入堅實、普通、軟弱、台北盆地等不同地盤,考慮地表加速度與地盤之變異性。考慮滿池之蓄水狀態動水壓之影響並考慮池體不同配筋量之影響。首先依據不同配筋量之水池進行推垮分析,取得能耐曲線,再簡化為廣義單自由度之結構分析模式,藉以接續之歷時反應分析。以時間域之歷時反應進行分析,以池壁延展性係數之做為裂縫漏水之損害指標,藉以建立水池之地表加速度與不同損害程度,在不同的地盤與配筋量之易損曲線。本研究可以做為防災規畫、民生用水或工業用蓄水池抗震能耐之評估指標。


The objective of this research is to develop the fragility curves of rectangular reinforced concrete liquid storage tanks on various site conditions subjected to different earthquake source mechanism. Chen-Kianoush distributed mass model is adopted in this research rather than Housner lumped mass model. The former model has been verified, which can achieve a more consistent with the nonlinear time history analysis. A nonlinear pushover analysis is performed to achieve a capacity curve with
a different reinforcement. This serves as a basis to conduct a rigorous nonlinear time history analysis on various site conditions and with different source mechanism. The ductility of displacements at the top of tank walls is used to classify damage states.The fragility curves constructed in this research can be implemented in the hazard planning and safety evaluation.
