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篇名 適用於直序展頻通訊系統的差分同調碼獲取偵測器
卷期 1
並列篇名 A Novel Differentially Coherent PN Code Acquisition Detector for DS-SS Communication Systems
作者 蔡騰仕李志泓洪集輝
頁次 039-051
關鍵字 差分同調偽雜訊碼獲取同步直接序列展頻頻率偏移Differentially coherentPN code Acquisitionsynchronizationdirect-sequence spread-spectrum frequency offset
出刊日期 201103


在直接序列展頻系統中,如何快速和可靠地尋找虛擬碼以達到碼同步是一個關鍵的步驟。在這篇論文裡,我們提出一個新的差分同調展頻碼獲取偵測器,它可應用於具有頻率偏移的快速雷利衰弱通道,並與傳統式I-Q 非同調偵測技術進行性能比較,從數值分析結果可看出所提出的差分同調系統在性能上優於傳統式的I-Q 非同調系統。


Code synchronization is a critical step for fast and reliable code search indirect-sequence spread-spectrum (DS-SS) system. In this paper, we propose a novel differentially coherent (DC) detection scheme for rapid code acquisition over a fast Rayleigh fading mobile radio channel with frequency offset, and compare the performance with the conventional I-Q noncoherent detection scheme. Numerical results show that the proposed DC scheme outperforms the conventional I-Q noncoherent scheme.
