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篇名 儒家、道家中領導思想與西方領導理論之比較-跨文化的觀點
卷期 1
並列篇名 The Comparison of Leadership between Confucianism, Taoism and West :A Cross-Culture Perspective
作者 林正士
頁次 019-037
關鍵字 儒家道家領導理論跨文化ConfucianismTaoismLeadershipCross-Culture
出刊日期 201103




The study is an exploratory research, which used literature review and content analysis method. We compare the Leadership concept between East and West. In ancient China, Confucianism and Taoism affect Chinese people over two thousand years. We review the core concept of classics and compare with modern theories from West.The study finds that there are some differences between East and West, such as the emphasis of inside or outside. However, there are also some overlap like integrated leadership theories and Chinese thoughts. The Chinese ancient philosophy need to develop new era meanings and fit the modern business administration. In the changing global environment, managing multi-culturely is becoming more and more important, this study will be inspiring and the bases of further studies.
