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篇名 論蘇軾「以酒為題」賦作之情志底蘊與困境觀照
卷期 1
並列篇名 A Study on the Deep Thoughts and Dejection Reflected in Su Shi’s Wine-Theme Prose Poems
作者 林黛琿
頁次 001-017
關鍵字 蘇軾以酒為題情志底韻困境觀照Su Shiwine-themedeep thoughtsdejected mind
出刊日期 201103


本文嘗試由蘇軾(AD1036-1101 年)「以酒為題」之五篇賦作切入,以賦文內容與作者之生命遭遇相對讀,試圖解析賦中呈顯之情志底蘊與其困境觀照。蘇軾「以酒為題」賦作繼承了前代之創作旨趣,即以酒論立身處世之道,及表達不遇之情懷。然在以酒論立身處世之道上,則著重於凸顯飲酒之真趣,並與其個人人生遭遇及哲學思維相契合,體現出「內全其天,外寓於酒」之「至樂坐忘」境界。同時,酒亦是蘇軾與友朋之間,在乖違的政治命運中,唯一能夠突破時空侷限,與文章一同飛越千山萬水,訴諸思念關懷情意的最佳媒介。在不遇主題的表現上,蘇軾則能超越前人憤世嫉俗之情,從哀怨沮喪的心境中解脫,不以酒麻痺自我、逃避苦痛,而能真正領略出隨緣自適,超脫曠達的人生體會。


This study aims to realize Su Shi’s (AD1036-1101) deep thoughts and dejection reflected in his five wine-theme prose poems by comparing the content of the works and the author’s real life. Su Shi’s wine-theme prose poems inherited the poetic theme commonly seen in previous dynasties: discussing the ways to live in society and expressing the dejection of talent being left to rust because of wine. The pleasure of
drinking wine (in a Rabelaisian sense) fully represents Su Shi’s viewpoint in regard to his personal destiny and philosophy, showing the aesthetics of finding true happiness in life. Besides, wine was the only medium for Su Shi to reveal his inner feelings concerning the companion of literary works and friends beyond the limitations of time and space when they were dejected in their political careers. However, in the theme of talent being left to rust, Su Shi transcended a dejected mind without the cynical emotions shown in the poems of the previous dynasties. He didn’t avoid life and escape sufferings by drinking wine but rather truly understood the significance of living an open minded life.
