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篇名 從漫畫到電影的華麗變身--《交響情人夢最終樂章》的改編研究
卷期 16-17
並列篇名 From Manga to Film--The Adaptation of Nodame Cantabile: The Final Score
作者 柯惠玲
頁次 171-194
關鍵字 改編跨媒介合作敘事表演動畫特效
出刊日期 201110


日本漫畫《交響情人夢》之創作表現及影響力橫跨連續劇、動畫、音樂CD、電玩遊戲及古典音樂會,2010 年更改編為電影《交響情人夢最終樂章》。本研究旨在討論:如何將多冊漫畫文本改編成電影形式?且漫畫與電影的敘事語言及表現方式多所不同,兩者之間如何轉換與對話?電影文本如何既不失漫畫原味又能展現電影形式本身的特殊風格?故本研究以文本分析為主,詳細討論電影文本與漫畫文本之敘事差異、電影文本的說與演、電影文本獨特的表演方式與其所蘊含的後設意旨與間離效果,以明瞭漫畫與電影的跨界合作,如何激盪出獨特的效果與藝術感,同時,可為日後有志從事此業者為一參考借鏡。


Manga Nodame Cantabile has influenced many media from telenovela,
animation, musical CD,computer game to classical concert. It was also adapted to film Nodame Cantabile: The Final Score in 2010. This research aims to discuss that how creators adapted the manga-texts to film-texts? The narration and performance of manga and film are greatly different; how creators make transformation and conversation between two sides? And how film-texts not only show its own style but also retain the spirits of manga-texts? This research analyzes the film-texts and manga-texts, and wants to know the narrative differences between film and manga; the narration and performance of film-texts; the unique acting of film-texts and its aesthetical effects. Meanwhile, it can display how cross-media
interact and cooperate for each other, and can show us new ways of seeing and creative perspectives.
