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篇名 前石匠蔣九--在臺生平與作品調查研究
卷期 16-17
並列篇名 Fong-Chien Stonemason Jiang-Jo: An Investigation of His Life History and Stone Carvings in Taiwan
作者 簡士豪
頁次 001-026
關鍵字 蔣九蔣氏石匠廟宇石雕Tai-Chi DiagramSymbol DesignTai-Chi SymbolForms
出刊日期 201110




Tai-Chi is one of the most important concepts in Chinese culture. Due to the fact that many companies or organizations use the Tai-Chi diagram as their logos, this study aims to investigate and analyze the Tai-Chi diagram and its applications. A sample of 433 studies on Tai-Chi diagram was reviewed and analyzed according to the theories of design and visual arts. Three components of this study are: (a) the development of Tai-Chi diagram and the forms of Tai-Chi symbol designs, (b) the conceptual presentations of Tai-Chi diagram, and (c) an analysis of the shape and form of Tai-Chi symbols. The findings show that variants of Tai-Chi diagram dominate the form, which indicates that in Tai-Chi symbol designs the meaning is more highly valued than the form. Furthermore, Tai-Chi
symbol designs are mostly combined with the letter S and shaped like a circle, with a rate of 52.88%.Finally, the most frequented single subject matters in Tai-Chi symbol designs is human figure.
