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篇名 張大千與溥心畬仕女畫之比較
卷期 16-17
並列篇名 Comparison of Chang Dai-chien and Pu Shin-yu's Paintings of Women
作者 周羿樺黃美賢
頁次 085-104
關鍵字 張大千溥心畬仕女畫Chang Dai-chienPu Shin-yuPaintings of women
出刊日期 201110




Chang Dai-chien and Pu Shin-yu are two prestigious painting master in the twentieth century,known as "South Zhang North Pu,". Chang Dai-chien’s work are precision abundance of quality ,known as " traditional Chinese classical painting’s epitomizer.", Pu Shin-yu is Talented because of his Republic, all of poetry, calligraphy and painting are prominent. The purpose of this article is to comparison of Chang Dai-chien and Pu Shin-yu’s paintings of women through the methods of content analysis and literary reviews. The results found that: Chang’s painting style varied,
having modern style; Pu Shin-yu’s painting style is relatively stable, his characters exudes a kind of elegance qualities.
