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篇名 藝術的分數--以布魯克林博物館展覽〈感覺〉為例
卷期 16-17
並列篇名 The Grade of Art--With the Brooklyn Museum Exhibit
作者 戴君宜
頁次 071-084
關鍵字 第一修正案藝術補助文化霸權言論自由當代藝術
出刊日期 201110


本文將以1999 年9 月於紐約市布魯克林博物館展覽-<感覺>(Sensation)所引起的爭議為討論的主軸,探討當代藝術在複雜的利害關係與社會多元價值中,道德、正義、美學、生存的矛盾之處,該如何取捨?藝術家該用何種框架面對現今錯綜複雜的現實環境與弔詭的法條?又該用何種嚴格的標準來做自我檢視,才不會進退失據?台灣對於此展覽所引發的討論並未有相關的資料,僅能以網路資料(多為美國權威代表的紐約時報)及此案件的判例(99 CV 6071)(http://www.nyed.uscourts.gov/pub/rulings/cv/1999/99cv6071.pdf)1做為文本研究的主要依據。並分析同時期National Endowment for theArts v. Finley 案件做為輔助比較,以了解美國藝術補助的方向及可能產生的問題


This thesis is about the "Sensation" art exhibition in the Brooklyn Museum in New York City in September 1999, which aroused discussions and controversy about contemporary art in relation to society's values, morals, justice, aestethics and whether the antimony should be accepted or rejected.What frame should an artist use to face the present and complex realistic environment with tricky method? Again should what strict of standard come to do self examine, just will not enter back to lose according to?Taiwan doesn't have comparable data to compare to the discussion triggered by this exhibition,but can only take judicial precedent (99 CV 6071The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences vs. The
City of New York and Rudolph W. Giuliani) of the network data (many from American authorities quoted in New York Times) and this case as a text to originally study of main basis. And analysis refering to the case National Endowment for the Arts vs. Karen Finley is used as assistance
comparison to understand the problem between subsidizing American art and creativity
