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篇名 網路口碑的敘事風格探討--以MOBILE01網站之3C產品開箱文為例
卷期 16-17
並列篇名 Analysing Narratives of Electronic Word-of-mouth--A Study of MOBILE01 Website 3C Products
作者 丁健民
頁次 147-169
關鍵字 敘事網路口碑開箱文NarrativeElectronic word-of-mouthOpen box experience
出刊日期 201110


近來由於網際網路快速發展,網路口碑對於消費者在購買決策、產品態度等方面之影響與日俱增,其中最熱門的口碑形式之一—開箱文展現出多元的寫作樣貌。本研究即以Mobile01網站中最大宗之3C 類產品開箱文為例,採用敘事分析的手法,針對開箱文在故事以及論述兩面向之各組構元素分類探討。研究發現,開箱文在情節鋪陳上具有網際文本的後現代特質。再者,傳統簡單的拆解包裝歷程反而成為開箱文中闡釋與討論的重點,透過撰寫者大量文字、圖片的堆疊,使得實際費時較短之開箱過程卻予人耗時較久之心理感受;少數開箱文則在場景變換中顯現出時間進程,整體而言呈現出豐富的時間性內涵。


As the recent rapid development of Internet prevalence, electronic word-of-mouth (EWOM) has great influence on many aspects, such as consumers’ purchase intention and attitude. Among all forms of popular word-of-mouth (WOM), open box experience has found to be rich in content and varied forms in writing patterns. Using narrative analysis approach to examine a comprehensive set of open box experience writings of 3C products shown on Mobile01 website, the purpose of the present study was to examine how composed elements were constructed, focusing on story and discourse.
Analyses revealed that the plot of open box experience writings have shown the postmodern characteristics of cybertext, and the text of simple unwrapping have gained the most attention in posting and response.
Findings also indicate that by using great amount vocabularies and
pictures to illustrate simple process of open box, has influenced audiences’ time-consuming illusions.Besides, time presence is shown in some open box experience writings with backgrounds changed.
