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篇名 美濃油紙傘文化及其視覺圖像意涵傳達之研究
卷期 16-17
並列篇名 A Study on Meanings of Pattern and Culture for the Hakka Oil-Paper Umbrella in Meinong
作者 林宥涵王藍亭
頁次 105-127
關鍵字 文化創意產業美濃油紙傘圖像Cultural and creative industryMeinongOil-paper umbrellaPattern
出刊日期 201110




In recent years, the government has been enforcing "cultural creative industries" policies. For all cultures, their ability to develop sustainably is key to their survival. In other words, the most valuable
aspect in culture preservation is its sustainable development. Taiwan’s Hakka Meinong Oil-Paper umbrella is a unique traditional cultural industry since it carries rich humanistic meaning. Due to industrial development and economic impacts, the public has gradually lost interest in Oil-Paper umbrellas and even started to ignore this one of a kind product. This research will use Meinong’s Oil-Paper umbrella culture as the main focus. With literature review, literature analysis, field
investigation and intensive interviews, the researcher aims to conduct a complete and integrated investigation on the categories and meanings of images painted on the umbrellas. The results show that in the past, the paper umbrellas mainly served as a functional tool in which the visual images were not emphasized. Today, the paintings and images on the umbrellas are more diversified and the elements and meanings of the paintings carry specific cultural connotations. Images that are the most
popular among the public are flowers and birds which deliver a joyful and happy feeling as well as Meinong scenery images with strong cultural connotation such as the Tobacco Building, Jingzi Pavilion, East Gate Tower, Chung Chen Lake. The meanings of the images are most closely related to traditional culture: peonies represent wealth and luck, plum blossoms stand for the five kinds of good fortune that will come with the flowers, etc. These are all very symbolic traditional images. It is
hoped that these images can serve as a reference for future researchers and designers for their cultural creations and research. This research also hopes to make its contribution in passing on the Oil-Paper umbrella culture and raise people’s awareness in cherishing and valuing this cultural industry that is on the verge of disappearing.
