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篇名 淺談庶民文化傳承下的韓國甕器
卷期 16-17
並列篇名 A Concise Talk on the Ordinal Culture Inherited Korean Onggi
作者 李庚娥
頁次 027-053
關鍵字 韓國甕器高麗青瓷朝鮮白瓷釉料燒製溫度甕窯Korean OnggiKoryo CeladonKorea White PorcelainGlazesFiring temperatureOnggi kiln
出刊日期 201110




Every country has her unique culture. For Korea, one of her unique aspects is the ceramic culture. The most representative ceramic is used by the Korean nobilities that include blue-glaze called “Koryo Celadon” and white-glaze called “Joseon White Porcelain”. These are Korean ceramics
full of delicate and artistic techniques. Never the less, a non-
mainstream pottery for daily use by the ordinal and common people is the other representative that is a kind of dark brown-glaze called“Onggi”. It reflects not only a popular Korean culture along with the unique taste of traditional pottery, but also with simple feelings and emotions of Korean nation. The aim of present article is to introduce the historically and conventionally inherited traditional Korean Onggi, and to describe its
creation as a Korean origin, in term of its characteristics, type, shape, decoration, glazing, firing temperature, kiln production process, and with further discussion on its varieties in many other Onggi aspects. Upon literatures reviewed with available information, these were further analyzed. It is a hope, through this addressing, to trigger wide attention of this inherited Onggi culture of the Korean ordinal and conventional people.
