
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Reconstruction of a Large Abdominal Wall Defect by using a Pedicled Vastus Lateralis Muscle Flap: A Case Report and Literature Review
卷期 31:6
作者 Chin-Ta LinShyi-Gen ChenTim-Mo ChenJu-Peng Fu
頁次 279-282
關鍵字 pedicled vastus lateralis muscle fl apabdominal wall defectreconstructionMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201112



The pedicled anterolateral thigh (ALT) fl ap is safe and reliable for repairing abdominal wall defects. This fl ap has a longpedicle and a wide arc of rotation, and it can extend from above the umbilicus and the lower back to the upper thigh, includingthe groin and perineum. The ALT fl ap is a technically simple muscle fl ap that permits primary closure and minimalmorbidity of the donor site. We report a case of successful reconstruction of a large abdominal defect after tumorresection by using a pedicled vastus lateralis muscle fl ap. Literature review on the clinical applications of the ALT andpedicled vastus lateralis muscle fl ap for reconstruction of soft tissue defects were performed.
