
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Clinical Effi cacy of Nutritional Food Supplement in Non-motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
卷期 31:6
作者 Wen-Long TsaoHsiu-Yu ChanJiuun-Tay LeeChang-Hung HsuChun-Chih LinYuth NimitGiia-Sheun Peng
頁次 257-262
關鍵字 Parkinson’s diseasenon-motor symptomsnutritional food supplementMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201112



Accumulating evidence supports the notion that oxidative stress and neuroinfl ammation are involved in the pathogenesisof Parkinson’s disease (PD). Meanwhile, imbalanced nutritional status and undernutrition increase the morbidity of Parkinsonianpatients. EASE123 (BioNatural Labs, CA) is a nutritional food supplement that contains a variety of naturalplants with well-known antioxidant effects. We designed an open-label clinical trial to determine if administration ofEASE123 as an auxiliary therapy could alleviate clinical symptoms in patients with PD. Ten patients, 5 male and 5 female,were recruited for this study. Patients presenting with typical Parkinsonian features received pretest imaging includingbrain MRI scans and cerebral 99mTc-TRODAT-1 SPECT. Then, they were evaluated using UPDRS at pretreatment,during the treatment of EASE123 for 6 weeks at 2-week intervals, and at 2 weeks post-withdrawal. Signifi cant reductionin total scores and subscores, parts I and IV, of UPDRS during the treatment period were noted, but no marked variationsfor parts II and III of UPDRS were found. Taken together, the results demonstrate that the addition of nutritional foodsupplement might alleviate PD symptoms through the improvement of non-motor symptoms.
