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篇名 淡水靈寶道壇的功德儀式:以混玄壇為核心的探討
卷期 173
並列篇名 The Gongde Rituals of Tamsui’s Lingbao Daoist Altars: A Case Study of the Hunxuan Altar
作者 蕭進銘
頁次 233-277
關鍵字 淡水靈寶道壇功德儀式混玄壇釋教TamsuiLingbao altarsgongde ritualHunxuan AltarShijiaoTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201109




The Daoist altars of Tamsui are the only Lingbao altars in Nor thern Taiwan. Although the Daoist altars of Tamsui and those of Southern Taiwan all originated from the Lingbao school, because of separate lineages and the dominant influences from Zhengyi and Shijiao altars of Northern Taiwan, the former preserve, or rather, gradually develop specific characteristics that set themselves apart from the Daoist altars of Southern Taiwan. This article, through fieldwork, in-depth interviews, content analysis, and comparative study, analyzes the characteristics of gongde rituals of Tamsui Lingbao altars. In the first half of this article, I attempt to outline the origin, transmission, and current situation of the Lingbao altars in Tamsui. In the second half, I compare their rituals with those of the Southern Lingbao altars, paying special attention to the content, procedure, and characteristics of the Hunxuan Altar liturgies. The Tamsui Lingbao gongde rituals are unique in the following aspects. First of all, the gongde rituals are rich in significance. Second, the content of certain ritual is particularly different from that of the Southern Lingbao altars. Third, the Tamsui gongde rituals lay much emphasis on filial piety and ancestral worship. Fourth, the Tamsui Lingbao gongde rituals have obviously been influenced by the Shijiao tradition. In addition to enhancing our understanding of the Lingbao gongde rituals in Taiwan, this article also serves to balance the current lopsided research interests on the Southern Daoist altars.
