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篇名 甘肅省會寧縣丁溝鄉南門村一次喪葬活動的考察及闡釋
卷期 173
並列篇名 Investigation and Interpretation of a Funeral in Nanmen Village, Huining County, Gansu
作者 徐海波
頁次 161-231
關鍵字 甘肅喪葬儀式陰陽樂工儀式音樂Gansufuneral ritualyinyangyuegongritual musicTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201109




Huining is located in the central part of Gansu Province. From the objects unearthed within the county by archaeologists, there has been
a long history of human habitation in this area. From the 20th to the 27th
of April, 2009, a funeral was held for Xu Jinxian in Xuchuan Community in
the administrative village of Nanmen in Huining County. The author attended the funeral, and recorded the entire process. Funerals in this area are similar in procedure to those of Han Chinese funerals elsewhere; burial customs are almost the same as in surrounding counties. The person
presiding over the ceremony is called yinyang (also known as yiren “artist”). The ritual music can be divided into two categories: one is the music used in the Expulsion of Calamity ritual, which has as its main functions calling back the soul of the dead and expelling the evil spirits of calamity; this music has direct ritual functions and accompanies the chanting of ritual texts by the yinyang. The other is the music provided by the yuegong of a ceremonial nature, with musical instruments including the shawm (suona), flute, small drum, and cymbals. The former includes the chants “Cibei jiaozhu tianzun,” “Xiangmo hudao tianzun” and other Buddhist scriptures; the main pieces per formed in the latter are Dakaimen, Chaotianzi, Jiling and so on.
