
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Molar Pregnancy in a Cesarean Section Scar of Uterus
卷期 31:4
作者 Feng- Sheng JinDah-Ching DingGwo-Jang WuKwei-Shuai Hwang
頁次 173-176
關鍵字 Scar pregnancymolar pregnancysuction curettageMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201108



We present a case of molar pregnancy at the site of a cesarean section scar. A 44-year-old woman, gravida 2, para 2, presented with irregular vaginal bleeding for 1 month, and intermittent lower abdominal pain for a few days. Her serum β-hCG level was inappropriately high. Transvaginal sonography showed a fetal pole, approximately 6 weeks of gesta-tion, with no evidence of fetal heartbeat, and presence of a gestational sac with an irregular surface surrounded by a het-erogeneous placenta containing multicystic sonolucent space. The gestational sac was located at the site of a scar from a previous cesarean section. The patient underwent suction curettage and the pathology revealed partial mole. She was fol-lowed up at the local medical center. The serum β-hCG level decreased gradually during the follow-up period. Early diagnosis is important in a case of molar pregnancy in a cesarean section scar to prevent serious omplications such as severe bleeding that can be life-threatening. We reported this case to accumulate experience that may improve the un-
derstanding of this disease, and allow development of an appropriate management plan.
