
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Colonoscopic Snare-assisted Transanal Resection of a Large Lipoma at the Rectosigmoid Junction
卷期 31:2
作者 Chien-Liang LaiChia-Cheng WenJan-Jen FengChia-Cheng LeeChang-Chieh WuCheng-Wen HsiaoTsai-Yu LeeShu-Wen Jao
頁次 099-101
關鍵字 transanal resectionlipomaR–S junctioncolonoscopic snareMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201104



Colonic lipomas are rare benign tumors of nonepithelial origin. They are usually asymptomatic, but occasionally patients presenting with symptomatic colonic lipomas are treated with resection, either endoscopically or surgically. We report a 33-year-old woman who presented with a protruding mass at the anal orifice after defecation. She received colonoscopic snare-assisted transanal resection and pathology showed that the mass was a lipoma.
