
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Inferior Turbinate Necrosis Secondary to Simple Outfracture Procedure
卷期 31:2
作者 Feng-Shiang ChiuHsin-Chien ChenBor-Hwang Kang
頁次 095-097
關鍵字 outfractureinferior turbinateturbinate necrosisturbinate surgeryturbinoplastyMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201104



We present the case of a 20-year-old man who, having undergone endoscopic sinus surgery and a simple outfracture pro-cedure of the inferior turbinate, developed turbinate necrosis several weeks later. The patient suffered from persistent na-sal crusting, and a bloody clot coating the surface of the inferior turbinate was noted during postoperative follow-up. Ne-crosis of the inferior turbinate was finally diagnosed and surgical excision of the necrotic tissue was performed. No other complications occurred after the second surgical intervention. Despite several etiologies of inferior turbinate necrosis, a minimally-destructive procedure such as the outfracture technique rarely induces tissue necrosis postoperatively. This ex-perience indicates that surgeons should be aware of possible necrosis of the inferior turbinate when a persistent crust coat-ing is present, even post minimally-invasive turbinate surgery.
