
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Recurrent Foot Ulcers in Young Woman: Stewart-Bluefarb Syndrome:Report of One Case and Literature Reviews
卷期 31:3
作者 Lai, Chien-liangTsai, Cheng-kenTsai, Yi-tingLin, Chih-yuanLee, Chung-yiTsai, Chien-sung
頁次 133-136
關鍵字 recurrent foot ulcerStewart-Bluefarb syndromearteriovenous malformationacroangiodermatitisMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201106



Stewart–Bluefarb syndrome (SBS) is one kind of the acroangiodermatitis, which is associated with an acquired or congenital arteriovenous malformation. This is a rare syndrome characterized by cutaneous lesions that usually onset at the second decade. We report the Stewart–Bluefarb syndrome in a 20-year-old woman presenting as recurrent foot ulcers of
the right foot with multiple arteriovenous malformations. Diagnosis of SBS was confi rmed histologically and radiologically.The clinical features of this disorder and the treatment options are reviewed.
