
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Tubo-ovarian Actinomycosis Complicated with Hepatic Abscess
卷期 30:6
作者 Chi, Hung-weiYang, Ya-sungLin, Te-yuLin, Jung-chungChang, Feng-yeeWang, Ning-chi
頁次 261-264
關鍵字 disseminated actinomycosisliver abscesstubo-ovarian abscessJMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201012



Actinomycosis is a chronic, suppurative, granulomatous diseases characterized by extensive necrosis and abscess formation.Both hepatic and pelvic actinomycosis are rare diseases. Tubo-ovarian actinomycosis complicated with hepatic abscess is rarely reported. We present a 47 year old woman with a history of an intrauterine device (IUD) implantation
for about 18 years, who presented with epigastric pain for one month. A computed tomography (CT) scan of abdomen revealed a mass (13×10×9.6 cm) over the left lobe of the liver and a right-sided tubo-ovarian lesion (6.6×5.9 cm).Exploratory laparotomy confi rmed liver and tubo-ovarian abscesses. Pathology of the liver and the tubo-ovarian lesions both revealed actinomycosis infection. The patient received a 4-week intravenous ampicillin treatment, followed by oral amoxicillin for 6 months. No recurrence was noted in the follow-up. Actinomycosis should be considered in concomitant liver and ovary abscesses. Detailed history taking, such as IUD implantation, along with radiological examinations and
pathological fi ndings are important for diagnosing actinomycosis infection.
