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篇名 印尼泗水的「鳳德軒」廟宇布袋戲團發展史
卷期 170
並列篇名 History of affiliation with the fengdexuan temple puppet theatre troupe in surabaya, lndonesia
作者 蕭翡斐
頁次 233-281
關鍵字 瓦揚印尼中國布袋戲藝術wayangIndonesiaChinapuppet theatreartistryTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201012


瓦揚(wayang)原本是爪哇語「影子」或「想像」的意思。瓦揚在印尼有很長的歷史,它不止是個育樂表演,也與人民的社會生活息息相關,是一種文化藝術的代表,在2003年被聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)列為無形文化遺產。印尼除了受到印度文化的影響,也有部分受到了中國文化的影響。由中國東南沿海移民帶入印尼的布袋戲在印尼也歸類為瓦揚的一種,而為了與其他瓦揚分別,就稱為Wayang Potehi,是從福建話「布袋戲」所擬音的。筆者將探討印尼泗水的「鳳德軒」廟宇與其布袋戲劇團發展史,並論及劇團組織與其藝術。


Abstract: Wayang in Javanese means “shadow” or “imagination.” Wayang
has a long history in Indonesia. It is not merely an entertainment, but also a representation of arts and culture that is deeply associated with people’s daily social lives. In 2003, it was listed as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by the UNESCO. The culture of Indonesia is influenced by both Indian and Chinese cultures. The puppet theatre budaixi introduced by the immigrants from southeastern coastal China is also classified as a type of wayang. To differentiate it from other wayang, it is called Wayang Potehi,an onomonopoeia for the Fukien pronunciation of po-t.-hi (puppet theater).In this article, I shall explore the history of the temple Fengdexuan in Surabaya Indonesia, and the development of its puppet theatre troupe. I will also discuss the troupe’s organization and its artistic achievement.
