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篇名 「金馬玉堂」木雕圖稿之意義
卷期 14
並列篇名 The Meaning of the Wood Carving Pattern--The Horse at the Magnolia and Begonia
作者 鄭栗粧
頁次 1-37
關鍵字 金馬玉堂翰林院官名利祿HorseMagnolia and begoniaHan Lin YuanOfficer and emolument
出刊日期 201005




The decoration concepts of traditional architecture through homonymic, symbolize and metaphor to integrate with common animals and plants, implements, magic weapons and the imagination of the birds and beasts which topics most are from folk greetings, idioms and Chinese masterpiece.In addition, all these topics express meaningful of decorative patterns, such as good fortune, emolument, longevity, delight, officer, descendant, wealth. Moreover, “The Horse at the Magnolia and Begonia is one attractive pattern of official topic that each patterns symbolize historical evolution, traditional artistic and epochal characters. Therefore, the thesis not only researches allusions but also classifies the development of The Horse at the Magnolia and Begonia pattern.In the paper, The Horse at the Magnolia and Begonia is interpreted the basic component of traditional modeling and also to look for the subjects-located on structures to analysis the connections and the decadent reasons of The Horse at the Magnolia and Begonia pattern.
Finally, the paper will reconstruct the pattern of “The Horse at the Magnolia and Begonia by a series of searching.
