
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Treatment of a Calcaneal Chondroblastoma with Curettage and Bone Substitute Grafting Mixed with Autologous Bone Marrow
卷期 30:4
作者 Tsai, Tsung-yingWu, Chia-chunLin, Kun-yiHsu, Chao-kueiLin, Yung-chengWang, Shyu-jye
頁次 165-168
關鍵字 chondroblastomabone grafttreatmentcalcaneusMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201008



Chondroblastoma is a relatively rare benign bone tumor. This is a case of a chondroblastoma in the calcaneus which was removed successfully by curettage and replaced with a bony substitute of calcium sulfate pellets impregnated with autologous bone marrow. After two years, the patient remained symptom-free, and the radiographs demonstrated complete fi lling
of the defect with good bony union without recurrence.
