
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 High Incidence of Initial Loss of Consciousness with Abnormal F-18 FDG and O-15 Water Brain PET in Patients with Chronic Closed Head Injury
卷期 28:2
並列篇名 慢性閉鎖性頭外傷病人呈現異常F-18 FDG及O-15 Water腦正子影像有較高比例出現初期意識喪失症
作者 王晴兒Schneider, PaulBalon, Helena R.黃文盛張幸初張智勇鄭澄意Fink-Bennett, Darlene
頁次 71-75
關鍵字 PerfusionMetabolismPETChronic head injuryLoss of consciousnessMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200804
