
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Experience of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on a Patient with Acute Ischemic Locked-in Syndrome
卷期 29:4
並列篇名 高壓氧治療對於急性閉鎖症候群的治療經驗
作者 蔣尚霖張幸初陳紹原林佳慧蔡高宗張正強陳良城
頁次 199-204
關鍵字 Hyperbaric oxygen therapyLocked-in syndromeStrokeFunctionMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200908



The characteristics of locked-in syndrome (LIS) are quadriplegia and anarthria with preservation consciousness. It is difficult to manage these symptoms. There have been several reports revealing the significant effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy on acute stroke, however, some journals show less favorable results using this treatment. There has also been no definite reporting of which lesions of the stroke are suitable for HBO2 therapy. We present a 65-yearold woman, suffered from acute ventral pontine infarction with LIS. Two days after onset, she received HBO2 therapy. One month later, she showed obvious functional recovery. There has been no previous published report discussing HBO2 therapy for acute ischemic pontine infarction. This is the first report regarding the obvious improvements of LIS using HBO2 therapy. Consequently, these findings suggest that HBO2 therapy could be used in conjunction with physical and rehabilitative therapy in the treatment of acute LIS for maximal functional improvement.

