
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Pharmacy Education: The Driving Force for Change, Stature and Influence of Our Profession
卷期 29:4
並列篇名 藥學教育:影響、改變與發展藥學專業的動力
作者 Benet, Leslie Z.
頁次 159-165
關鍵字 Pharmacy educationClearance conceptsPharmacokineticsPersonalized medicineMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200908



As we celebrate 100 years of Pharmacy Education at the NDMC, I have been a part of Pharmacy education for 53 years, and my family for>75 years. There is no doubt that the changes in the profession that have occurred over these last 100 years have almost all been generated and driven by cutting edge changes in the educational process. Influence and stature of a discipline comes about when that discipline offers a needed service or intellectual advancement that is not found within other disciplines. Pharmacy and Pharmacy education over the years have searched for the key component that would make our discipline/profession not only unique, but derive influence and stature. We have advanced along many avenues during our search: compounding, manufacturing, medicinal chemistry, pharmacognosy and natural product chemistry, physical pharmacy, drug delivery, clinical and patient oriented pharmacy practice, clinical pharmacology, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacoepidemiology, nanotechnology, drug metabolism/transport and personalized medicine. However, I will concentrate on what I believe to be an advancement that occurred through Pharmacy education, almost exclusively, which has had the largest impact. That advancement is the invention and development of clearance concepts. In my mind, clearance is the vehicle that provided the sound basis for our disciplines' unique rolls in clinical and patient oriented practice, drug metabolism/transport and personalized medicine. It is a parameter that medicinal chemists and drug delivery scientists take into consideration in their new advances and it is the basis for the pharmacist, in essence, assuming the roll of clinical pharmacology in patient care.

