
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Hemangioma of the Chest Wall Mimicking Gynecomastia
卷期 29:5
並列篇名 胸壁血管瘤疑似男性女乳症
作者 高鴻文徐先和許居誠鄭明芳林文瓊黃國書俞志誠
頁次 277-279
關鍵字 BreastChest wall tumorGynecomastiaHemangiomaPectoralis muscleMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200910



Hemangiomas are common benign soft-tissue tumors that rarely originate in both the pectoris muscle and breast. In the first place, this study presents a 24-year-old man with such a tumor causing diagnostic dilemma both clinically and radio-logically. In retrospect, we discovered some characteristic radiologic findings which could lead to a preoperative diagnosis. A variety of entities may simulate breast tumors in the male chest wall. We discuss differential diagnoses that simulate gynecomastia and characteristic imaging findings of hemangiomas.

